هشتگ ها و کلیدواژه های وایرال آرتمیس امروز:20250327

کلیدواژه تعریف
1-پلاک - 1:Pendant 2:plate 3:plated 4:plot 5:slab 6:plaque 7:plating 8:nameplate 9:plate 2 10:license plate plaque plate shingle
2-پلاک استیل - 1:پلاک استیل,2:پلاک استیل, 3:Steel Pendant, 4:Steel Pendants
3-سامی - 1:high 2:sami 3:semitic 4:elevated 5:sammy 6:phlogistic 7:semite 8:semitics 9:sem 1 10:semetic
4-طلایی - 1:auburn 2:Golden 3:gilt 4:aureate 5:auric 6:buprestidan 7:buprestis 8:golden yellow 9:cat eye chrysoberyl 10:citrin 11:gold color
5-تندیس - 1:-تندیس, 2:icon, 3:sculpture, 4:statue, 5:figure, 6:image, 7:palladium, 8:icon 2, 9:icon 3, 10:figure image sculpture statue
6-طلا - 1:Gold 2:tala 3:sol 4:conductor 5:aurous 6:forty niner 7:hessite 8:pyrite 9:aurum 10:calcite 11:krennerite 12:stibnite
7-پلاک طلایی - 1:پلاک طلایی, 2:Golden Pendant
8-گردنبند - 1:گردنبند', 2:collar, 3:Necklace, 4:choker, 5:anadem, 6:riviere, 7:avalier beads collar lavaliere locket
9-ایران - 1:american–iraniancouncil 2:article 3: Iran 4:middleeast 5:Persia 6:chromite 7:pers 8:hypersthene 9:iran iranian persia 10:per 1 11:pers 1 12:trona 13:aurichalcite 14:hemimorphite
10-لاتین طلایی - 1:لاتین طلایی, 2:Latin Golden
11-گردنبند اسم - 1:گردنبند اسم, 2:namenecklet
12-پلاک اسم - 1:پلاک اسم, 2:Name Pendant, 3:Name Pendants, 4:nameplate
13-پلاک اسامی - 1:پلاک اسامی, 2:Names Pendant, 3:Names Pendants
14-استیل - 1:Steel 2:style 3:trepan
15-پلاک تندیس - 1:پلاک تندیس, 2:Statue Pendant
16-فارسی طلایی - 1:فارسی طلایی, 2:Persian Golden
17-نقره ای - 1:نقره ای, 2:argentine, 3:Silver, 4:silvern, 5:silver silvery, 6:argentian, 7:silver color
18-ندا - 1:called 2:mac 3:neda 4:call 5:calling 6:call 3 7:calling 3 8:call exclamation halloo voice 9:oyez or oyes 10:yech 11:yoheaveho 12:zonk
19-پلاک اسم سامی - 1:پلاک اسم سامی, 2:Name Pendant Sami
20-پلاک گردنبند - 1:پلاک گردنبند, 2:Necklace Pendant
21-گرد - 1:circular 2:dust 3:garnet 4:hero 5:Ring 6:Round 7:rounded 8:hip 9:bore 10:circinate 11:compass 12:detergent 13:flour 14:globular 15:Corona 16:trace 17:walk 18:levorotary 19:powder 20:levorotatory 21:pollen 22:ramose 23:stroll 24:cyclostomate 25:loin 26:orbicular 27:orbiculate 28:rounder 29:terete 30:flying dust 31:globate 32:globe like 33:globulous 34:globy 35:knobby 36:nummary 37:nummular 38:orbed 39:rotundate 40:cylinderical 41:round 2 42:annular brave circular courageous dust flour hero intrepid p 43:dusting agent 44:gerdpaul von below
22-ترانه - 1:taraneh 2:song 3:chanson 4:carol chanson song 5:song chant
23-دست - 1:fin 2:game 3:Hand 4:handle 5:paw 6:set 7:stroke 8:team 9:Arm 10:deck 11:give up 12:kid 13:Manus 14:setting 15:mock 16:scuffle 17:attaint 18:duffer 19:handshake 20:scrabble 21:self abuse 22:handed 23:batch chiro clutch deal limb side
24-لاتین نقره ای - 1:لاتین نقره ای, 2:Latin Silver
25-نگین - 1:Jewel 2:negin 3:key fruit
26-گردنبند نام - 1:گردنبند نام, 2:Name Necklace
27-تحریر طلایی - 1:تحریر طلایی, 2:Golden Calligraphy
28-پلاک نت - 1:پلاک نت, 2:notependant
29-ایرانی - 1:irani 2:Iranian 3:Persian 4:of iranian nationali 5:of iranian nationality 6:iranian persian
30-گالری تندیس و پلاک - 1:گالری تندیس و پلاک, 2:Pendant & Figurine Gallery, 3:Pendant & Figurine Gallery
31-زیبا - 1:beautiful 2:cute 3:deluxe 4:stylish 5:ziba 6:handsome 7:elegant 8:adorable 9:bonny 10:chic 11:eyeful 12:fair 13:good looking 14:Fairplay 15:pretty 16:beauteous 17:goodly 18:handsomely 19:picturesque 20:pulchritudinous 21:scrumptious 22:dinky 23:plumate 24:spiffy 25:well favored 26:yummy 27:fair faced 28:gainly 29:sightliness 30:well favoured 31:well lookirg 32:smatt 33:adorable beautiful elegant exquisite fair glad goodlooking
32-استیل ایرانی - 1:استیل ایرانی, 2:Persian Steel
33-انگشتر - 1:انگشتر , 2:hoop, 3:Ring, 4:Rings, 5:rung, 6:ring 2, 7:Ring Jewellery
34-فارسی نقره ای - 1:فارسی نقره ای, 2:persiansilver
35-انگشتراستیل - 1:انگشتر استیل, 2:Stainless Steel Ring, 3:Steel Hoop, 4:Steel Ring
36-سایز انگشتر - 1:سایز انگشتر, 2:Ring Size
37-دستبند - 1:Bracelet 2:Wrist Band 3:handcuff 4:lei 5:cuff 6:manacle 7:shackle 8:wristlet 9:wrislet 10:bracelet cuffs handcuff shackle 11:bracelets
38-طلاییتاجدار - 1:طلایی تاجدار, 2:Crowned Golden
39-خرج گردنبند - 1:خرج گردنبند, 2:Necklace Charms, 3:Necklace Material
40-پلاک اسم نگین - 1:پلاک اسم نگین, 2:Name Pendant Negin
41-تاج - 1:Crown 2:tadj 3:taj 4:copestone 5:coronate 6:coronet 7:crest 8:Corona 9:rostrum 10:annulus 11:miter 12:mitre 13:copple corn 14:corona 2 15:crista 16:crown headgear
42-کیف - 1:Bag 2:bin 3:case 4:kiev 5:kyiv 6:Purse 7:bagging 8:briefcase 9:enjoyment 10:intoxication 11:jollity 12:Revel 13:Kef 14:pleasure 15:attache case 16:holdall 17:titillation 18:valise 19:kief 20:money bag 21:narcotism 22:bin 2 23:case 2 24:bag exhilaration fun pleasure portfolio purse satchel tote b 25:black dirty filthy grubby impure mangy messy mucky pig piggi
43-پلاک آویز - 1:پلاک آویز, 2:Charm Pendant, 3:pendantcharm
44-کوچک - 1:let 2:little 3:micro 4:Mini 5:miniature 6:minor 7:pocket 8:short 9:shortly 10:Small 11:Thumbnail 12:tile 13:tiny 14:diminutive 15:extenuate 16:incompressible 17:Stall 18:minute 19:fractional 20:trap 21:bantam 22:minuscule 23:petty 24:puny 25:teeny 26:capitulum 27:dinky 28:gracile 29:half pint 30:phalanstery 31:pint size 32:pint sized 33:runty 34:small fry 35:sub 36:weensy 37:weeny 38:exiguousness 39:ickle 40:imminution 41:infintesimal 42:smallness 43:petit 44:bit diminutive et ette exiguous ie invisible junior ki 45:hymen 1 46:shorts
45-اسی - 1:Esi
46-نگیندار - 1:Jewelled 2:mounting
47-پلاک دستبند - 1:پلاک دستبند, 2:Bracelet Pendant
48-پلاک اسم ایران - 1:پلاک اسم ایران, 2:Name Pendant Iran, 3:Iran Name Pendant
49-پلاک اسم ندا - 1:پلاک اسم ندا, 2:Name Pendant Neda
50-پازل طلایی - 1:پازل طلایی, 2:Golden Puzzle
51-پلاک اسم زیبا - 1:پلاک اسم زیبا, 2:Name Pendant Ziba
52-پلاک نگیندار - 1:پلاک نگیندار, 2:jeweledpendant
53-متنوع - 1:assorted 2:diverse 3:variable 4:variety 5:variegation 6:various 7:omnifarious 8:varied 9:variegated 10:variegate 11:varietal 12:variorum 13:varying 14:catholic checkered colorful diverse heterogeneous miscellane 15:diversified multifarious varied variegatus varietal
54-گردنبند اسم سامی - 1:گردنبند اسم سامی, 2:saminamenecklace
55-آویز فلزی - 1:آویز فلزی, 2:Metal Charm
56-موسپد - 1:موس پد, 2:Mouse Pad
57-رها - 1:Free 2:raha 3:release 4:bolt 5:freed 6:freely 7:loose 8:disengaged 9:free 3 10:free deliverance disengaged emancipation escape liberation l 11:in the clear 12:edessa mesopotamia
58-بزرگ - 1:arch 2:Big 3:extra 4:grand 5:great 6:greater 7:gross 8:high 9:large 10:main 11:major 12:majestic 13:adult 14:bogus 15:bold 16:bulky 17:dignified 18:eminent 19:enormous 20:extensive 21:grave 22:greatly 23:huge 24:immane 25:capitalization 26:numerous 27:gr8 28:massive 29:big m method 30:comparison of two phase and big m meghods 31:macro 32:large sized 33:mega 34:vast 35:egregious 36:extensively 37:largely 38:lofty 39:mighty 40:monumental 41:vastly 42:voluminous 43:big shot 44:bulkily 45:fools cap 46:headman 47:jumbo 48:king size 49:macrocyte 50:sizable 51:sizeable 52:stour 53:swith 54:vasty 55:walloping 56:decuman 57:egregiously 58:enormously 59:full bottomed 60:hugeous 61:large sized a 62:loftily 63:majuscular 64:majuscule 65:of a large size 66:swingeing 67:nonus 68:macro 3 69:major 2 70:arch arch big colossal dean extended generous goodsized gran 71:large sample 72:miss 2 73:voluminously 74:bazillion 75:bigass 76:linguistic variable 77:lrg 78:analysis big m method
59-پلاک اسم ترانه - 1:پلاک اسم ترانه, 2:Name Pendant Taraneh
60-پلاک اسم علی - 1:پلاک اسم علی, 2:Name Pendant Ali, 3:Ali Name Pendant
61-مروارید - 1:bdellium 2:morvarid 3:pearl 4:margarite 5:nacre 6:manjaram
62-زیباترین اسامی - 1:زیبا ترین اسامی,2:زیباترین اسامی, 3:Most Beautiful Names, 4:Nicest Names
63-سما - 1:sama
64-موس پد فرشی - 1:موس پد فرشی, 2:Carpet Mouse-Pad, 3:Carpet Mouse Rug, 4:Magic Carpet Mouse Pad, 5:Magic Carpet Mouse Pads, 6:Mini Rug Mouse Pad, 7:Mini Woven Rug Mouse Pad, 8:Mouse Carpet Rug, 9:Mouse Pad Carpet, 10:Wholesale Carpet Mouse Pad
65-هدیه - 1:endowment 2:gift 3:hedieh 4:hediyeh 5:present 6:handsel 7:Hedyeh 8:propine 9:present 2 10:booty bounty favor gift grant offering present presentation
66-آویز استیل - 1:آویز استیل, 2:Steel Charm
67-توپ - 1:Ball 2:cannon 3:gun 4:roll 5:artillery 6:bluff 7:coil 8:fireball 9:ordnance 10:ordnace 11:piece 2 12:gun 2 13:artillery ball bluff globe ordnance sphere 14:ball disambiguation
68-مشکی - 1:abercrombie 2:Black 3:Raven 4:musky 5:sable 6:ravening 7:black musky 8:cmyk 9:cymk
69-پلاک رنگ ثابت - 1:پلاک رنگ ثابت, 2:permanentcolorpendant
70-گل مو - 1:گل مو, 2:Hair Flower
71-زنجیر استیل - 1:زنجیر استیل, 2:Steel Chain
72-ساده - 1:atomic 2:bald 3:plain 4:primary 5:Simple 6:simply 7:artless 8:atom 9:bare 10:clean 11:convenience 12:dried 13:easy 14:explicit 15:fructose 16:homespun 17:idiot 18:inexpensive 19:positive 20:achromatic 21:elementary 22:simplex 23:free standing 24:downright 25:fanciless 26:frugal 27:naif 28:naive 29:neatly 30:pickwickian 31:simplistic 32:slick 33:straightforward 34:unaffected 35:unassuming 36:unsophisticated 37:clodhopper 38:open and shut 39:semplice 40:slicker 41:taffetized 42:unaadorned 43:unceremonious 44:unmeaning 45:untutored 46:charmless 47:fraudless 48:frugally 49:incomplex 50:incomposite 51:naively 52:plainly 53:undesigning 54:unfigured 55:fruit sugar 56:positive 2 57:simple 2 58:simple 3 59:simplex 3 60:achromatic austere common guts plain idyllically light modes 61:baldly 62:strightforward
73-پلاک اسامی فارسی - 1:پلاک اسامی فارسی, 2:persiannamependant, 3:iraniannamependant
74-پلاکمعمولی - 1:پلاک معمولی, 2:regularcharm
75-اعلا - 1:Golden 2:super 3:supreme 4:premium 5:exquisite fine giltedged highgrade noble quality superfine v
76-دستبند ست - 1:Paired Bracelet
77-انگشترمشکی - 1:انگشتر مشکی, 2:Black Ring
78-انگشتر گل - 1:انگشتر گل, 2:flowerring
79-تل نگیندار - 1:تل نگیندار, 2:jeweledbarrette, 3:jeweledhairband, 4:Rhinestone Headband
80-خرج دستبند - 1:خرج دستبند, 2:Bracelet Charms
81-آویز دستبند - 1:آویز دستبند, 2:Bracelet Charm
82-موسپد طرح فرش - 1:موسپد طرح فرش, 2:Carpet Design Mouse Pad, 3:Carpet Style Mouse Pad, 4:Mouse-pad Carpet Design
83-پازل نقره ای - 1:پازل نقره ای, 2:Silver Puzzle
84-پلاک تاج - 1:پلاک تاج, 2:crownpendant
85-کش مو - 1:کش مو, 2:Hair Band
86-اسب - 1:horse 2:steed 3:groon 4:horse mount 5:spavined
87-خرج کار دست - 1:خرج کار دست, 2:Hand Ornament
88-دستبند استیل - 1:دستبند استیل, 2:Steel Bracelet
89-ماوس پد فرشی - 1:ماوس پد فرشی, 2:Carpet Design Mouse Pad, 3:Carpet Mouse-Pad
90-موسپدقالی - 1:موس پد قالی,2:موس پد قالی'", 3:Carpet Mouse-Pad, 4:Rug Mouse Pads
91-هما - 1:homa 2:companion 3:Peer
92-پلاستیک - 1:Plastic 2:dielectric 3:fiber optics 4:air core transformer 5:air ionizer 6:electrostatic discharge 7:esd 8:sputtering cathode sputtering 9:plastic 2
93-پلاک خدا - 1:پلاک خدا, 2:godpendant, 3:godcharm
94-آویز طلایی - 1:آویز طلایی, 2:Golden Pendant, 3:goldenpendants
95-طلایی نگیندار - 1:طلایی نگیندار, 2:Jeweled Golden
96-ماه - 1:month 2:moon 3:phoebe 4:satellite 5:digital clock 6:Luna 7:manmonth 8:solunar 9:stunning 10:acolyte 11:lanternmoon 12:queen of the tides 13:secondary planet 14:the lesser lumen 15:satellite 2 16:luni 17:mo 1 18:moon m satellite 19:altavista 1
97-گردنبند ست - 1:Paired Necklace
98-آویز - 1:hanger 2:hanging 3:medallion 4:Pendant 5:earring 6:cirrus 7:lappet 8:lobe 9:crystal pendant 10:cirro 11:hanging overhang slack tassel
99-جاکلیدی - 1:جا کلیدی, 2:Key-chain, 3:Key Holder, 4:keyring
100-معمولی - 1:common 2:commons 3:general 4:Normal 5:regular 6:standard 7:commonly 8:conventional 9:everyday 10:mean 11:routine 12:ordinary 13:usual 14:banal 15:commonplace 16:onery 17:ordinarily 18:ornary 19:trivial 20:workaday 21:commoner 22:ornery 23:well worn 24:wonted 25:ferial 26:rudas 27:common 2 28:general 2 29:normal 3 30:ordinary 2 31:standard 2 32:accustomed common commonplace everyday forgettable gardenvar 33:nrm
101-موس پد ایرانی - 1:موس پد ایرانی, 2:Iranian Mousepad
102-پلاک اسم محمد - 1:پلاک اسم محمد, 2:Name Pendant Mohamad
103-انگشترست - 1:Pair Ring
104-قالی فرش موس - 1:قالی فرش موس, 2:Carpet Mouse-Pad, 3:Mouse Carpet Rug
105-نسا - 1:nesa 2:weaver 3:nisa turkmenistan
106-نیم ست نقره ای - 1:نیم ست نقره ای,2:نیم ست نقره ای', 3:Silver Half Set
107-هدا - 1:hoda
108-پلاک اسم مانی - 1:پلاک اسم مانی, 2:Name Pendant Mani
109-پلاک بینهایت - 1:پلاک بینهایت, 2:foreverpendant
110-علی - 1:Ali 2:muhammadali 3:causal 4:causative 5:causal causative 6:haqqmuhammadali
111-فلزی - 1:Metal 2:metallic 3:bulkhead 4:aluminize screen metalbackd screen metallized screen mirro 5:metaloxide semicondujctor field effect transistor insulat 6:mos prom 7:mos rom 8:mosfet igfet 9:thick film 10:cassiterite 11:metalloid 12:organometallic 13:bornite 14:hypersthene 15:metal metallic 16:astrophyllite 17:bronzite 18:hausmannite 19:perovskite 20:pyrargyrite 21:organometallic complexes 22:polimetal
112-پدر - 1:baba 2:father 3:dad 4:parent 5:abba 6:sire 7:pater 8:guardian by nature 9:parent 2 10:father forefather papa parent patr patri sire 11:fr 1
113-پلاک اسم صفا - 1:پلاک اسم صفا, 2:Safa Name Pendant
114-چوبی - 1:wood 2:Wooden 3:circle dance 4:ligneous 5:arboreous 6:coach built 7:woody 8:xyloid 9:ligneous timbered wood wooden woody 10:wood 1 11:woodenly
115-گیره - 1:anchor 2:bend 3:chuck 4:clip 5:dog 6:fastener 7:grip 8:holder 9:Hook 10:jaws 11:loop 12:Pin 13:vice 14:clamp 15:jaw 16:toggle 17:bent 18:bonding 19:clasper 20:clump 21:detent 22:flake 23:gripe 24:guide 25:hold 26:hold back 27:hold fast 28:jig 29:Becket 30:dogs 31:lug 32:nip 33:stop 34:trigger 35:bench vise 36:triggering 37:dogged 38:pincers 39:pinchers 40:cleat 41:pawl 42:pincer 43:retainer 44:tach 45:tache 46:poppet head 47:rachet 48:tongs 49:a pair of pinaster 50:clamping fixture 51:cleat 2 52:clip 4 53:dog 2 54:handle 3 55:trigger 4 56:catch clasp clinch clip closure fastener fastening gripper h 57:hoder 58:bulldog grips 55
116-انگشترعقیق - 1:انگشتر عقیق, 2:Agate Ring
117-تل مو - 1:تل مو, 2:Barrette, 3:Hair Band
118-دستبند کشی - 1:دستبند کشی, 2:Elastic Bracelet
119-دیگر - 1:additional 2:again 3:another 4:further 5:next 6:other 7:alternate 8:alternative 9:beside 10:any more 11:else 12:lesbian 13:stymie 14:thence 15:astrogate 16:t other 17:next 2 18:after again alternative another else extra following further 19:othert
120-عدد - 1:gross 2:head 3:headed 4:number 5:Piece 6:unit 7:character 8:digit 9:figure 10:figures 11:header 12:heading 13:numeric 14:scalar 15:numeral 16:figurative constant 17:tot 18:figured 19:head 2 20:piece 2 21:digit 3 22:figure 2 23:number 2 24:number 3 25:character figure number numeral unit 26:ludolfine number 27:numberal 28:numbers 29:zahl 30:soccessor
121-مینی - 1:Mini
122-پد ماوس فرشی - 1:پد ماوس فرشی, 2:Carpet Mouse-Pad, 3:Rug Mouse Pads
123-پلاک اسم پدر - 1:پلاک اسم پدر, 2:Pedar Name Pendant
124-کلید - 1:button 2:contact 3:Key 4:passport 5:clue 6:device 7:guide 8:keyed 9:switch 10:alt key 11:kev 12:key 3 13:key2 switching key 14:key1 signaling key 15:seitch 16:clef 17:cotter 18:abs key 19:caps lock key 20:end key 21:home key 22:ins key 23:key 2 24:key 4 25:num lock key 26:prtsc 27:scroll lock key 28:shift key 29:switch 3 30:tab key 31:key lead passkey
125-انبری -
126-جعبه - 1:Box 2:cage 3:case 4:chest 5:boxing 6:casing 7:container 8:package 9:kit 10:calnet 11:pyx 12:glove compartment 13:hutch 14:pyxis 15:cist 16:hutch huch 17:incasement 18:box canteen case container package 19:pack 1
127-حسن - 1:beauty 2:entente 3:hasan 4:hassan 5:advantage 6:virtue 7:wellness 8:excellence nicety virtue
128-خدا - 1:deity 2:dio 3:god 4:heaven 5:holy 6:khoda 7:divinity 8:godhead 9:absolutism 10:numen 11:prime mover 12:the deity 13:the holy one 14:the loard 15:the almighty 16:deity father god jehovah lord maker our lord providence yahw 17:supreme being 18:tiki
129-خرج گوشواره - 1:خرج گوشواره, 2:Earrings Charms, 3:Earrings Material
130-دستبند دخترانه - 1:دستبند دخترانه, 2:Girls Bracelet
131-دستبندگرهای - 1:دستبند گره ای, 2:knotbracelet, 3:Knot Loop Bracelet
132-زنانه - 1:female 2:forwomen 3:ladies 4:unisex 5:paramatta 6:wifely 7:womanish 8:womanlike 9:womanly 10:femininely 11:gynaeceum 12:gynaecic 13:gynecic 14:female feminine lady unmanly womanish womanlike womanly 15:tucker 1
133-سنگ - 1:rock 2:Stone 3:ballast 4:boulder 5:flagstone 6:head stone 7:holystone 8:regolith 9:slate 10:calculus 11:strength 12:petrous 13:lapides 14:ponderance 15:molasse 16:calculus petro rock stone weight 17:meltrock interaction 18:relative age 19:witness mark 20:sto 21:rockpaperscissors
134-سنگاونیکس - 1:سنگ اونیکس, 2:Onyx Stone
135-پلاک تکه ای - 1:پلاک تکه ای, 2:Piece Pendants
136-کش سر - 1:کش سر, 2:Elastic Hair Band, 3:Hair Band
137-آویز گردنبند - 1:آویز گردنبند, 2:Necklace Charms, 3:Necklace Pendant, 4:Necklace Pendants, 5:Necklace Charm
138-ابی - 1:blue 2:ebi 3:hydraulic 4:couplets 5:samcine obie 6:watery 7:agnatic 8:cyanic 9:red green blue monitor 10:xanthocyanopsia
139-انگشتر مردانه - 1:انگشتر مردانه, 2:Men's Ring
140-بهترین اسامی - 1:بهترین اسامی, 2:Best Names, 3:Top Names
141-جعبه کادویی - 1:جعبه کادویی,2:جعبه کاد.ویی, 3:Gift Box
142-دستبافت - 1:دست بافت, 2:handwoven, 3:woof, 4:hand knitted
143-طرح فرش - 1:طرح فرش, 2:carpetpattern, 3:carpetdesign
144-قلب - 1:beat 2:conversion 3:false 4:Heart 5:anagram 6:brassily 7:brassy 8:counterfeit 9:forged 10:inverse 11:Pinchbeck 12:permutation 13:pseudo 14:spurious 15:midst 16:supposititious 17:suppositious 18:systole 19:adulterated 20:chiasmus 21:epanodos 22:hearted 23:hyperbaton 24:hysteron proteron 25:spurious 2 26:cardio counterfeit distortion heart
145-متوسط - 1:media 2:median 3:Medium 4:middle 5:Normal 6:average 7:fair 8:inferior 9:intermediate 10:Midway 11:arithmetic mean 12:mean 13:medium size 14:moderate 15:medium scale 16:pulse amplitude 17:meant 18:medial 19:mediocre 20:tolerable 21:middle class 22:modal 23:run of the mill 24:intermedial 25:mesne 26:osculant 27:medium 3 28:medium 4 29:normal 2 30:tolerable 2 31:average fair moderate par indifferent mean medial mediocre 32:advanced very high resolution radiometer 33:first year ice 34:average 27. 32
146-نیمست - 1:نیم ست, 2:halfset, 3:semiset
147-پلاک برنزی - 1:پلاک برنزی, 2:Bronze Pendant
148-کیفجاجیمی - 1:کیف جاجیمی, 2:jajimpatternbag
149-گوش - 1:Ear 2:outside 3:corner 4:cornered 5:lurch 6:shark 7:quadrille 8:ear for music 9:harkee 10:quinquangular 11:cornerman 12:oto
150-سوغات ایران - 1:Iran Souvenir 2:Iranian Souvenir
151-ترمه - 1:cashmere 2:Terme 3:Termeh
152-رایجترین اسامی - 1:رایجترین اسامی, 2:Most Common Names
153-مهرهچوبی - 1:مهره چوبی, 2:Wooden Bead
154-پلاک اسم پیام - 1:پلاک اسم پیام, 2:Name Pendant Payam
155-کشی - 1:Elastic 2:cauchy 3:elastic stretch
156-گل حریر - 1:گل حریر, 2:silkflower
157-گوشواره استیل - 1:گوشواره استیل, 2:Steel Earrings
158-امیر - 1:Amir 2:chief 3:commander 4:emir 5:prince 6:brass hat 7:flagofficer 8:jarl 9:kinglet 10:seigneur 11:soldan 12:prince sheik sheikh emir 13:amir disambiguation
159-انگشتر اسم لاتین - 1:انگشتر اسم لاتین, 2:Latin Name Ring
160-انگشتر زنانه - 1:انگشتر زنانه, 2:Women's Ring
161-زنجیر - 1:زنجیر', 2:barrel, 3:bond, 4:Chain, 5:chained, 6:link, 7:tow, 8:bonding, 9:curb, 10:fetter, 11:Catena, 12:catenary, 13:chainette, 14:cochain, 15:hobble, 16:manacle, 17:linked, 18:links, 19:linkwork, 20:sling, 21:guide rope, 22:catenae, 23:chain 2, 24:chain 3, 25:chains
162-سبز - 1:green 2:additive 3:beryl 4:jadeite 5:continuous spectrum 6:spectrum 7:hue 8:cga 9:color graphics adapter 10:spectral color 11:spinel 12:corundum 13:etiolate 14:fluorite 15:garnierite 16:grassplot 17:greening 18:kaolinite 19:mignonette 20:muscovite 21:viridescent 22:adamite 23:calcite 24:eruginous 25:in crop 26:zircon 27:olivin e 28:red green blue monitor 29:allophane 30:apatite 31:green grassy verdant 32:saponite 33:smithsonite 34:strontianite 35:uraninite 36:wavellite 37:additive color process 38:andradite 39:antigorite 40:apache tear 41:apophyllite 42:bavenite 43:brucite 44:cat eye chrysoberyl 45:chamosite 46:cristalderoche 47:cuprosklodowskite 48:descloizite 49:hauyne 50:hyalithe 51:kornerupine 52:messelite 53:mimetite 54:minyulite 55:mixite 56:olivenite 57:opal noble 58:opale de feu 59:phosphophyllite 60:powellite 61:pumpellyite 62:ripidolite 63:scorodite 64:sodalite 65:thorite 66:thuringite 67:uranolite 68:variscite 69:vesuvianite 70:zinnwaldite
163-فرش - 1:Carpet 2:rug 3:carpeted 4:carpeting 5:footpace 6:Silt 7:pavement 8:pug 9:tapis 10:floor covering 11:carpet matting rug carpeting
164-پلاک اسم مادر - 1:پلاک اسم مادر, 2:Name Pendant Madar
165-پلاک دستبند دست - 1:پلاک دستبند دست, 2:bracelethandcharm, 3:handbraceletcharm
166-پلاکموسیقی - 1:پلاک موسیقی, 2:musicalpendant
167-کیف تو کیف - 1:کیف تو کیف, 2:Bag in Bag
168-گلپارچهای - 1:گل پارچه ای, 2:Cloth Flower
169-اسما - 1:asma 2:nominally 3:nominal nominally
170-اصیل ترین اسامی - 1:اصیل ترین اسامی,2:اصیلترین اسامی, 3:genuinenames, 4:mostoriginalnames, 5:originalnames
171-تل گل - 1:تل گل, 2:Flower Barrette, 3:Flower Alice Band
172-دستبندمروارید - 1: دستبند مروارید,2:دستبند مروارید, 3:Pearl Bracelet
173-رومیزیترمه - 1:رومیزی ترمه, 2:termehtablecloth
174-سنگمروارید - 1:سنگ مروارید, 2:pearlstone, 3:perlite
175-صدف - 1:pearl 2:sadaf 3:seashell 4:shell 5:clam 6:shard 7:ammonite 8:cowrie 9:cowry 10:oyster 11:shale 12:pearl shell 13:the shell of a mollu 14:the shell of a mollusk 15:cockleshell motherofpearl shell shuck 16:whorl section
176-نگار - 1:negar 2:painting 3:picture 4:graph 5:diarist 6:image 7:affix 8:sweetheart 9:graph 2 10:graph 3 11:darling design figure flame imprint love register
177-پلاک اسم رضا - 1:پلاک اسم رضا, 2:Name Pendant Reza
178-پلاک اسم رها - 1:پلاک اسم رها, 2:Name Pendant Raha
179-پلاکاسمفرید - 1:پلاک اسم فرید, 2:Name Pendant Farid
180-ساز - 1:instrument 2:musicalinstrument 3:anabolism 4:winegrower 5:a musical instrument 6:fic 7:phore 8:phorous
181-انگشتر اسم فارسی - 1:انگشتر اسم فارسی, 2:Persian Name Ring
182-برنزی - 1:Bronze 2:bronze 2 3:bronzite 4:renierite
183-جوراب - 1:joorab 2:socks 3:hose 4:hosiery 5:sock 6:stocking 7:gaskin 8:hoses
184-دستبنداونیکس - 1:دستبند اونیکس, 2:Onyx Bracelet
185-رسول - 1:ambassador 2:prophet 3:rasoul 4:apostle 5:messenger 6:nuncio 7:presager 8:rasul 9:apostle islam
186-سایز5 - 1:سایز 5, 2:size5
187-سنگ شیشه ای - 1:سنگ شیشه ای,2:سنگ شیشه ای', 3:glassstone
188-سنگفیروزه - 1:سنگ فیروزه, 2:turquoisegemstone
189-مادر - 1:madar 2:mother 3:Mama 4:parent 5:matriarch 6:mum 7:mamma 8:mater 9:stepmother 10:matri mother parent
190-مار - 1:snake 2:NaryanMar 3:active binding tight constraint 4:active constraint binding tight 5:worm 6:serpent 7:exuviae 8:worm 3 9:hungarian magyar 10:serpent snake 11:a soft answer turneth away wrath. 12:naryanmar airport
191-متری - 1:Metric 2:by meter 3:meter 4:metric metrical
192-پابند طلایی - 1:پابند طلایی, 2:goldenanklet
193-پلاک اسم امید - 1:پلاک اسم امید, 2:Name Pendant Omid
194-چشم - 1:Eye 2:look 3:dispensable 4:isometropia 5:Shiner 6:optic 7:sight 8:astigmatic 9:eyelet 10:ophthalmia 11:winker 12:sighted 13:eyed 14:sighting 15:eye eyed
195-گردنبند مشکی - 1:گردنبند مشکی, 2:Black Necklace
196-آرام - 1:aram 2:dead 3:pacific 4:peaceful 5:still 6:hush 7:calm 8:composed 9:gentle 10:inappeasable 11:Bland 12:moderate 13:laminar 14:silent 15:quiet 16:slow 17:daft 18:imperturbable 19:moderately 20:peacefully 21:peaceable 22:placid 23:sedately 24:sedate 25:serene 26:slack 27:staid 28:taciturn 29:tranquil 30:unruffled 31:douce 32:irenic 33:lown 34:placable 35:quieter 36:self composed 37:self possessed 38:slack water 39:smolt 40:stilly 41:unblenched 42:waveless 43:whist 44:placidly 45:serenely 46:settled 47:silently 48:composed cool coolheaded dispassionate easy equable eventemp 49:a bout it 50:as cool as a cucumber 51:deadsoft steel
197-انگشتر اسم انگلیسی - 1:انگشتر اسم انگلیسی, 2:English Name Ring
198-بندی - 1:lacey 2:pad 3:prisoner 4:articular 5:captive 6:commisural 7:funicular 8:synovial 9:ligature 10:commissural 11:laced 12:paragraphical 13:stockinet 14:stockinette
199-روسری - 1:headband 2:Headscarf 3:kerchief 4:scarf 5:headdress 6:hood 7:head gear 8:headdress headgear hood mantilla napkin scarf
200-زرد - 1:agate 2:auburn 3:diamond 4:Gold 5:led 6:sapphire 7:yellow 8:topaz 9:aquamarine 10:beryl 11:Serpentine 12:continuous spectrum 13:spectrum 14:hue 15:light emitting diode 16:spectral color 17:wan 18:cassiterite 19:corundum 20:fluorite 21:harmotome 22:matutinal 23:muscovite 24:wanly 25:calcite 26:calomel 27:flavous 28:kainite 29:saffrony 30:blueyellow blindness 31:siderite 32:tetartanopia 33:allophane 34:amber golden maize yellow waxen 35:chabazite 36:chrysotile 37:dolomite 38:euxenite 39:microcline 40:montmorillonite 41:scheelite 42:stilbite 43:strontianite 44:triplite 45:wavellite 46:albite 47:amblygonite 48:andalusite 49:aragonite 50:astrophyllite 51:axinite 52:baddeleyite 53:barytine 54:barytocalcite 55:betafite 56:bukovskyite 57:calaverite 58:celestite 59:chapmanite 60:citrin 61:diadochite 62:diaspore 63:domeykite 64:eudialyte 65:evansite 66:evenkite 67:gmelinite 68:grossular 69:hauyne 70:hopeite 71:hyalophane 72:kieserite 73:laumontite 74:mimetite 75:opal noble 76:opale 77:opale de feu 78:orthoclase 79:perovskite 80:petalite 81:pharmacolite 82:phenacite 83:phillipsite 84:phosgenite 85:powellite 86:pyromorphite 87:pyrophanite 88:pyrophyllite 89:romeite 90:sanidine 91:sicklerite 92:stibiconite 93:thomsonite 94:uranolite 95:vesuvianite 96:witherite 97:zinnwaldite 98:cmy 99:cmyk 100:cymk